Welcome to Middletown Education Center, LLC
We work with colleges, universities, and K-12 schools to provide all the services of an in-house faculty development center for a fraction of the time and cost it takes to build one yourself. Whether you're starting from scratch or have your own program, let us help you take your school to the next level of teaching excellence! Click here to schedule a consultation.
How we can help...
Workshops & trainings |
Website & communications |
We work with you to develop innovative professional development programming tailored to your school's values and faculty needs, and providing opportunities to build skills and learn from peers and colleagues.
Coaching & consultationOur expert coaches provide continuous engagement with teachers and academic leadership both on-on-one and in small groups, to help solve problems and help you meet your greatest potential.
Programming and resources don't mean much if people can't access it. We will work with you to ensure that your communications strategy gets to your target audience, and communicates your values and programs effectively.
Leadership & organizational changeWhile we can meet your needs for a while, our goal is to put ourselves out of business. We will work with your leadership to build capacity, empower faculty, and find ways to sustain the work over the long term.